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Frequently asked questions
The BuySafe shopping guarantee helps your business establish credibility online and reach more potential customers. Offering a third-party shopping guarantee to customers provides added protection and validation that you are safe to buy from. In result, your business experiences a higher conversion rate, increase repeat buyers and higher average order amount.
The guarantees automatically expire thirty (30) days from the date of purchase. All benefit claims must be made within thirty (30) days of the date of purchase to keep the benefits, even if all the terms of sale are not yet fulfilled. Once a valid benefit claim is made, coverage applies until the claim is resolved.
No. If a customer has an issue with an order, we first instruct them to reach out to your customer support channels to resolve the issue and prevent chargebacks. If a claim is opened by your customer, our dedicated claim support team handles it to resolution.
All claims are handled by our claim support team and paid out by BuySafe. There is no additional cost to you for any claims paid.
Experts in ecommerce trust for over 15 years
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